
  • 旅行
  • 2023年5月2日
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吉莉安·达拉著 2023年5月2日

可持续性是一个近来被反复提及的术语, 在这些噪音中,这个词的意义可能会消失. 所以,我们想要识别10 ag体育正规 已成功实现并维持可持续发展倡议的酒庄, 并强调他们的设施, 葡萄园, 酿酒, 生产, 更大的使命使他们如此可持续. 以下是ag体育正规10家可持续发展的酒庄.

主街709号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968 -0625

自2004年由加里·埃里克森和基特·克劳福德创立以来, 克里夫家族酒庄 & 农场 has garnered a dedicated following for its organically farmed wines and specialty foods cultivated in ag体育正规.

从一开始, 克里夫家族酒庄 has remained steadfast in its commitment to sustainable practices that support its people, 地球, 和社区. The winery’s unwavering dedication to these values has paved the way for their recent achievement of B Corp Certification, 通过他们的许多倡议证明了一个享有盛誉的认可. These initiatives include earning the 纳帕 Green Vineyards certification for their Certified Organic 葡萄园, 酒厂100%使用可再生电力, 利用可重复使用的, 可回收的, 或可堆肥的运输和包装材料, 等. 拥有这种受人尊敬的B型企业地位, 克里夫家族酒庄 now joins the ranks of only a select few companies in the wine industry to have received such an accolade.

图片由 马卡姆葡萄园

2812 St. 海伦娜公路北,纳帕,加州94574,(707)963-5292

它以专注于波尔多品种而闻名,尤其是梅洛, 马卡姆 占地260英亩,位于纳帕的卡利斯托加、AG体育平台和橡树丘AVAs. 45年前由Jean Laurent创立, 是谁离开波尔多前往加利福尼亚最初是为了寻找黄金, 马卡姆 has continued its heritage of making quality Bordeaux varietals from quality e状态 fruit.

可持续农业实践是马卡姆理念的核心. The winery earned its 纳帕 Green 酒ry Certified designation by utilizing several sustainable practices, 比如少耕, 种植覆盖作物, 节水工作. 许多覆盖作物, 种植在葡萄园之间, 是由酿酒厂自己的蜜蜂授粉吗, 哪些有助于以自然的方式补充土壤. 除了, wind and solar energy power the 酿酒 process and 马卡姆’s recycling program focuses on U.S. 做包装.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台市AG体育平台十字路1473号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8642

Renowned in the wine world for the e状态’s “Rock Blocks”—vine blocks dedicated to some of founder 悬崖导语’s favorite rock songs and albums to differentiate the 葡萄园 during redesign—克利夫莱德葡萄园 focuses on producing e状态 wines from their 60 acres in the Stags Leap District.

In 2015, 他们的酒庄和葡萄园都获得了纳帕绿色认证, 它认可符合并超过20个当地标准的农业和生产方法, 状态, 以及联邦“最佳实践”.” Some of these practices include conversion to no tillage to reduce erosion between vines, 用于景观美化的酿酒厂工艺水的循环利用, the use of solar panels to reduce energy use by 90% and vineyard workers being employed year-round for full-time employment benefits.

松岭葡萄园,图片由Crimson 酒 Group提供

加利福尼亚州纳帕市西尔维拉多步道5901号,邮编94558,(800)575 -9777

ag体育正规拥有如此广泛的影响力松岭葡萄园 has invested in 160 acres of e状态 葡萄园 since its founding in 1978—the winery feels responsible as stewards of the land.

The in-house Green Team is committed to preserving the ecosystem not just of their 葡萄园 but of the entire region and is demonstrated by their 纳帕 Green certification. 他们遵循鱼类友好养殖实践, 雨水回收, 通过给葡萄园过冬来减少侵蚀, 在夏季干旱季节, 他们的葡萄园道路被有机润湿剂浸湿,以控制道路灰尘. 他们还把灯设为计时器, 使用滴灌,89%的材料被回收或从垃圾填埋场转移.

图片由 大厅的葡萄酒

401 St. 海伦娜公路南,圣. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)967-2626

虽然 大厅 可能因其品质和屡获殊荣的葡萄酒而享誉全球, they are as outstanding for their WE CARE commitment; believing in responsible entrepreneurship and giving back across the four categories of community, 艺术, 负责任的商业行为, 和创业.

WE CARE encompasses the family’s active green and sustainable initiatives across their three luxury wine brands, 大厅, 沃特, 和巴萨. 可持续发展的主要成就可以追溯到2009年,当时大厅的St. 海伦娜物业因其完全可持续的生产设施而获得LEED金牌. 从那时起,霍尔还获得了LEED金牌认证,其St. 海伦娜品酒室和高科技生产设备. 大厅 Family 酒s’ 12 E状态 Vineyards are Certified Sustainable by the California Sustainable 酒growing 所有iance (CSWA) and three of their 葡萄园 are certified organic by CCOF. 我们喜欢的另一个细节, 每年,所有员工都有40个小时的时间为慈善组织做志愿者.

3070 St. 圣海伦娜公路北. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)963-1160

拥有和经营的 Trinchero家庭 自1948年以来,这个圣. 总部位于海伦娜的酒庄是美国第四大酒庄.S. 他管理着旗下50多个葡萄酒和烈酒品牌. 因此, 对他们来说,致力于可持续发展的未来更为重要, 这就是他们所做的吗.

2017年7月, Trinchero家族地产 transitioned all of its energy use to Deep Green 100% renewable energy across all 28 of its facilities and 葡萄园 in 纳帕 County. Trinchero ensures that all California wines are sourced from sustainably farmed 葡萄园 and is passionate about giving back to the community where initiatives include Sutter 首页 for Hope and Trinity Oaks’ One Bottle One Tree program.

真正的从花园到餐桌的体验. 图片由 圆池庄园| Briana Marie摄影


自20世纪80年代初以来, 圆形池塘 made a name in ag体育正规 for its premium wine grapes sold to some of the most cult wineries in the region and for their extremely limited 生产 of e状态 Cabernet Sauvignon.

遵循“可持续葡萄酒从葡萄园开始”的信念,“圆塘庄园关注可持续发展的三个方面——人, 的地方, 和目的. They foster a positive and educational work environment for their team working in the 纳帕 Green Certified 葡萄园 and established a permanent crop cover of native grasses to nourish their soils (rather than using a till system). They compost grape pomace and reuse it to replenish vineyard soils and use integrated pest management. 在他们的建筑里, 圆形池塘已经将他们的灯具升级为LED节能灯泡, 减少14%的千瓦时. 他们的目的延伸到支持当地的纳帕社区, which the E状态 gives back to the Alzheimer’s Association through funding and awareness.



On a mission to preserve the original 卢瑟福 site of some of 纳帕’s most noteworthy single-vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon, proprietor Suzanne Deal Booth has already made strides in rebuilding the repertoire of the land.

这一切都始于2010年,当时Deal Booth买下了这块18英亩的土地, as she began a lengthy turnover and regeneration process of the 葡萄园; vines were replanted, 行方向调整, 土壤得到更新. By 2019, 贝拉橡树 converted entirely to organic farming and was certified by California Certified Organic 农场ers (CCOF). 今天, 重点仍然是有机农业和生物多样性, encouraging the variety of life on the e状态 to keep the land surrounding the grapes healthy and thriving.

图片由 凯德庄园酒庄

加利福尼亚州安温市豪厄尔山路南360号,94508,(707)965 -2746

从一开始, this e状态’s three founders envisioned a contemporary winery that would honor the Angwin land aesthetically and ecologically.

The winery was built out of 98% recycled materials (including the naturally insulated fermentation room and tasting room that’s insulated by materials like blue jeans) and was ag体育正规’s first LEED Gold Certified e状态 winery. The Howell Mountain e状态 vineyard is organically farmed and certified CCOF and both the winery and the land are 纳帕 Green Certified for achieving sustainability and conservation.

图片由 Spottswoode房地产 在圣. 海伦娜,

圣马德罗纳大道1902号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)963-0134

以其偶然的故事而闻名——第一款赤霞珠于1982年发布, 庄园成立整整100年后Spottswoode房地产 既尊重传统,又致力于未来.

1985年开始有机农业, the winery is among one of the first in ag体育正规 to acquire the CCOF certification (in 1992). 葡萄园和酿酒厂获得了纳帕绿色认证,庄园获得了生物动力认证, using biodynamic specialists to ensure the 葡萄园 and surrounding land continue to function as a living ecosystem.